Episode 3: Dirty Money Dirty Deeds, #3 Page 2
“Does Jaylen Sinclair have anything against him?”
Kendra leaned in and whispered to Stephanie.
“Tell them,” Stephanie said.
“They’ve never met. Bobby made a scene in one of Jay’s clubs, but Jay wasn’t angry. I think he pities Bobby more than anything.”
“Your receptionist says that he came to your office about a month ago and you got into a shouting match.”
Stephanie leaned forward. “You’ve never argued with anyone in your family? I don’t like the way this is going. My client seems to be a suspect, not a witness. You have means? How was he murdered?”
Vasquez and Rogers looked at each other.
Rogers cleared his throat. “We’re waiting for final results from the medical examiner in Florida.”
“Time of death?”
“One to two weeks.”
“My client hasn’t left the metropolitan Detroit area in several months.”
“You can prove that?”
“Can you prove she hasn’t? We’ll be going now. Get back to us with that arrest warrant.” Stephanie stood. “Good evening.”
Kendra walked with Stephanie to the parking lot.
“These bums,” Stephanie said, “are reaching for straws. They don’t have anything. They were hoping they could trip you up on something. Jay thought that if he came here it would make things worse. He wants you to call him.”
“You called him?”
“He tried to call you when he got your message. He called me to make sure we had connected. I told him I was on my way to you.”
Kendra tossed back a shot of tequila, then another. The doorbell rang, and she went to the door and yanked it open.
Jay stormed in and grabbed her shoulders. “What happened? They arrested you. again? What’s wrong?”
“Have you ever lied to me?”
“No, never.”
“When did your security people come here?”
“Yesterday. Right before you came home from work. Why?”
“You said you wouldn’t kill him!”
Jay stroked his chin. “Baby, what are you talking about? Kill who? Something happen to Bobby?”
“Don’t lie to me!”
“Kendra? What happened?”
“Bobby’s dead!”
“What happened?”
She pointed a finger at him. “Oh, like you don’t know!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“They found him in the Everglades. There’s not much left of him.” She wiped away the tears. “What did you do?”
Jay pulled her close to him. “I didn’t kill him. I’m not a killer.” He held her tighter as she sobbed. “Baby, I wouldn’t hurt him. I told you I wouldn’t.” He waited until she stopped shaking and led her to the sofa. He sat down and pulled her into his arms. “I’ll tell you everything. Is that what you want?”
“What did you do?”
“I ran him out of town. Two of my security guys put him on a plane to Fort Lauderdale. One of my guys has people in a small town near there. They have an avocado farm. Bobby has a room in the dorm there. He couldn’t get off the farm; it’s out in the middle of nowhere. I figured he would stay out of trouble.”
“I don’t see my brother on a farm. He’s a city boy.”
“That was the whole point. They run a clean place. No drugs. They don’t even allow smoking. He would have to get a ride from one of them into town, and they watched everyone.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“If you didn’t know, there was no way for Vasquez to question you about it. Like I told you, you wouldn’t have to lie. How did you find out about him?”
“Vasquez and his partner showed up. They told me.”
“If Vasquez came, that means they’re still investigating. It looks like you’re still in his sights. We’re gonna have to be careful.”
Kendra nodded.
“Have you eaten?”
She shook her head.
“You have to eat something.” He went to the refrigerator and looked inside. “Damn, baby, this thing is so empty there’s an echo. You got a taste for anything?”
“Not really.”
“I’ll go get something.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“I’ll get it just in case.” He rubbed her arm. “You gonna be okay while I’m gone?”
“Yes. I need to make some calls.”
He kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back soon.”
She picked up her phone a few minutes after he left. She called the one family member she knew she could trust. She nearly hung up after the fourth ring.
A sleepy voice answered. “Hey, cuz. What's going on?"
Kendra groaned. "I'm sorry, Nicky. I didn't think you'd be asleep this early."
"It's okay. I had a surgery that went all night. Just trying to catch up on some sleep. What’s going on? We haven't talked in a while. You still married?"
Kendra chuckled. "Still trying. He won’t budge.”
"He still hasn't signed the papers? He has to be the most stubborn man God ever created. It’s not like he’s in the running for any husband of the year awards.”
"I agree. That's not why I'm calling, though. I have some bad news."
"Is it Bobby?"
"You don't sound surprised. Yeah, it's about him.” Kendra swallowed hard. “He's dead."
There was a long pause. "I wish I could say I’m shocked. It's one of those calls you never want to get, but I'm not really surprised."
"Yeah, he had too much of Robert in him.” Kendra could hear shuffling. "What are you doing?"
"I was just sitting up. So what happened?"
“They’re not really sure. They found his body in the Everglades.”
“What the hell was he doing there?”
“Who knows? It’s a mess, cuz. He was into some shady shit.”
Nicky grunted. “What else is new? But how are you doing?”
“I am maintaining.”
“What about Jay? He still around?”
“He went to get me something to eat. He is very much around.”
“I can’t wait to see him again. I wonder how much he’s changed.”
“It’s all good, trust me. You can tell your mother, but I want to keep the services small. I don’t want another circus.”
Nicky tried not to laugh. “Yeah, your uncle’s funeral was one for the books. But you know Mama. She can’t keep nothing. Are you calling Uncle Robert?”
“Hell, no. He never cared about talking to me. I don’t see the point in trying to find him now. As far as I know, he’s in jail again.”
“What about your Aunt Violet? You know she’s going to tell him.”
“If I tell her at the last minute, she may not come.”
“Sounds like a plan, Kenny. When are you making the arrangements?”
“I have to find out when they’re going to release the body. I guess I’ll use McClure’s again. Walt took good care of us with Mom.”
“I’ve got some time coming. I’ll call off and be there tomorrow afternoon. I’ll go to the funeral home with you. I’ll help with the calls.”
Kendra let out a huge breath. “Thank you.”
“Girl, you know I got you. The white sheep of the family have to stick together.”
“I’ll have your room ready.”
Nicky laughed. “You better.”
The McClure funeral home looked just the way Kendra remembered it. The brick building had neatly manicured lawn and flower beds bursting with neatly trimmed shrubs and colorful annuals.
She and Nicky stepped inside the door and a woman greeted them. She was short and sturdily built. Her hair was an unnatural shade of red and piled high on her head. The black suit that she wore was a little too tight.
"May I help you?"
Kendra cleared her throat. It had gotten tight as soon as she walked in. "I have an appointment to plan my brother's funeral. My name
is Kendra Mason."
The woman nodded and gave her a pitying look. "We’re expecting you. Mr. Walter McClure will be taking care of you today. Right this way."
Their footsteps were muffled in the thick carpet. Soft music drifted out of the various rooms they passed. People spoke in hushed tones, and there was soft sniffing and weeping. The woman showed them into a plush waiting area. "Please take a seat. You're a little early. He'll be with you shortly. "
Kendra and Nicky sank into a sofa. Kendra clutched the folder she was carrying to her chest.
Nicky put her hand on Kendra’s. “Have you made any decisions?”
"I was thinking about cremating him," Kendra said. "I hate the idea of bones rattling around in that box."
"It does make sense, since you have to ship the body anyway. How long do you think it'll take for them to release the body?"
"I have no idea. We'll let Walter take care of all that."
The door opened, and Walter McClure emerged. Kendra and Nicky stood. His black suit was perfectly tailored to his thin frame. He was the same size he had been when they were in high school He walked toward them with a sad smile.
Walter hugged Kendra. "It's good to see you again, but not under these circumstances. I was sorry to hear about Bobby."
"Thanks, Walter."
He turned to Nicky and hugged her. "Hey, Nick. Are you still in Chicago?"
"Cleveland," Nicky said.
"Sorry," Walter said. "I know you told me. I always get those two mixed up. They’re obviously treating you well. You look well.”
“Thanks. You haven’t changed, Walt.”
Walter chuckled and ran his hand over his bald head. “I’ve got a little less hair, but otherwise things are going well. Thank you for letting us serve you again.”
"You did a good job for my mother," Kendra said.
He gestured toward the doorway. "Come into my office." He waited until they sat in front of the desk before he closed the door. "I talked to the medical examiner's office. They'll release him tomorrow. We'll need to do a closed casket, I'm afraid."
Kendra nodded. "I was thinking about cremation. Can you arrange it?"
Walter wrote on a pad. "Of course. It would make sense to do the cremation in Florida and have the remains shipped here. What about services? What do you have in mind? Your mother's church?"
"No," Kendra replied. "Bobby didn't believe in God. I'm not going to drag him into church against his will."
"We could do something in the chapel, then."
"No, I was thinking about a graveside service. Can we put him with our mother?"
"Sure. You'll only pay for the grave to be opened and closed. And the container and vault you choose."
"That's what I want. There's one more thing, Walt. I want a private service. I don't want a repeat of Uncle Frank's funeral."
Walter raised an eyebrow. "Refresh my memory."
"A fight broke out at the cemetery."
"That happens more than you would think. We'll keep the time and location off the website."
Kendra sat between her aunt and cousin at the cemetery. The minister had been talking for almost ten minutes about comfort and loss. The stiffness in her neck was getting worse, and she raised her chin. Nicky put her hand on Kendra’s and squeezed it. Something caught Nicky’s eye, and she adjusted her sunglasses.
Robert Mason, Senior stumbled toward them. He was wearing a rumpled suit that was too big for his lanky frame, and his tie was crooked. Nicky got up and walked toward him. Jay was right behind her.
“Who’s that?” Jay asked.
“Kendra’s father.”
“Shit. I got this. Make sure she’s okay.” Jay went to Robert and grabbed his arm. He held firm when Robert tried to shake him off.
“Who the fuck are you?” Robert slurred.
“Friend of Kendra’s. She didn’t ask for you to come here.”
“You saying I can’t bury my only son? Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Jay leaned in. “If you don’t lower your voice, I’m gonna beat your ass right here.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Robert said in a harsh whisper.
“Try me, old man.”
Tears ran down Robert’s cheeks. “He’s my son! My baby boy!”
“The service is almost over, and you’re not gonna ruin it.”
“I need to talk to Kenny.”
“We’re gonna stand right here until she comes to see you.”
“You can’t—“ Robert’s protest turned into a whimper when Jay twisted his arm.
“You’re not listening, old man. We’re gonna stand here until Kendra comes to talk to you. If she comes. Do you understand me?” Jay held Robert’s arm. He gave it a twist every few seconds to remind him who was in charge.
Robert didn’t say another word. Jay had never raised his voice, but the intensity in his eyes told Robert that this was a man who could kill him without a second thought. He watched as his daughter stood and looked at him. She shook her head and turned to go to the limousine.
“Looks like she’s got nothing to say to you, old man. Be on your way.”
Robert bucked, and Jay put more pressure on his arm. He waited until Kendra and Nicky got in the car. “I’m gonna let you go now. You can go to the grave and pay your respects. If you go near her, she’s gonna bury your ass next. Understand?”
Robert sniffed and nodded. Jay tossed him aside and walked away, not even bothering to look back.
Kendra held up her glass. “To Robert Mason, Senior. May I never see him again.”
Nicky’s mother took the glass from her. “Baby, I think you’ve had enough. You don’t mean that.”
“I do mean it, Aunt Cora. The only thing that man has ever given me is heartburn.”
Nicky’s father Dell grunted and took a sip of whisky. “You know Robert always makes it about him. How did he find out, anyway? I bet it was that damn Violet.”
Nicky swallowed her drink. “My money is on her.”
“I was glad,” Kendra said, “that she didn’t come. But I didn’t give her the time. I guess Robert just got lucky.”
Dell grunted again. “There’s a first time for everything.”
Cora laughed. Jay noticed that Nicky had her smile.
Dell narrowed his eyes and looked at Jay. “What about you, young man?” He stood. “Come and help me check on the roast.”
Jay stood. “Yes, sir.” He followed Dell into the kitchen.
Kendra let out a long breath. “Uh-oh.”
Cora patted her hand. “You know your uncle.”
“Well, you knew he was gonna check Jay out,” Nicky said. “He should have done a better job with Isaac.”
“He had us all fooled,” Cora said. “On paper, he looked like a good match. He’s just too damn slick for his own good.”
* * *
Dell opened the oven door. He grabbed a towel and pulled the roast out, then placed it on the stove. He closed the door and looked at Jay. Jay was about six inches taller than him, but Dell looked confident.
“We need to let this rest a few minutes, so let’s talk.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Kendra’s mother and my wife were as close as sisters could be. I loved Elise like she was my own sister. Kendra’s not blood to me, but she might as well be. I’ve always looked out for her, because her daddy ain’t shit. I never could figure out what Elise saw in him.” He shrugged. “Some girls like the bad niggas, I guess. What about you?”
“What’s going on with you and my niece?”
“We’re friends.”
“Don’t give me that ‘friend’ shit. I see how you look at each other. You’re here, and Isaac’s not. What’s going on?”
“I’m in love with her.”
“Any fool could see that, son. What are your intentions?”
“I intend to marry her.”
“She’s still married, though.”
“I think she’s
worth the wait.”
“You remember that. I don’t know you that well, but I like you. You stepped up when Robert tried to show his ass.”
“I knew she didn’t want him there. I was trying to help.”
Dell turned to the stove. He got a spoon and bathed the roast beef with the pan juices. “The key to a good roast is low and slow. Remember that.”
“Yes, sir.”
“You have to be patient. You cook?”
“Get that potato salad out of the refrigerator. Put it on the dining room table, and don’t forget the spoon.”
Isaac Hammond looked up when a shadow fell across his desk. “What are you doing here? I don’t have any appointments.”
“There wasn’t anyone at the front desk. Maybe your receptionist went to lunch.” Jay sat in front of Isaac’s desk. “Do you know who I am?”
Isaac bit his lower lip. “You’re the boy that’s been sleeping with my wife.”
Jaylen looked him up and down. “Boy? Is that the best you can do? No wonder she left your sorry ass.”
“You’re trespassing.”
Jaylen tried not to smile. “You gonna throw me out?”
“I should beat your ass right here.”
“You’ll huff and puff, but you won’t do shit. Why you wanna beat my ass? I met up with Kendra after she split from you.”
“That’s what she told you? What makes you think I haven’t been with her? I saw her yesterday.”
“Yeah, I know you saw her. You came to her office again. She told me.”
“Why are you here?”
“I’m here for the divorce papers. You keep forgetting to sign them.”
Isaac curled his lip. “I’m not signing.”
“She’s with me now. She’s not taking you back, no matter what you do.”
“We were together a long time.”
“You’re not together now.” Jaylen glared at Isaac. “You’re one of those pretty boys who thinks you can have anything you want. You were handed everything, and you think you got it through hard work.”
“Is that what she told you?”
“She didn’t have to. I checked you out on my own. Isaac Ezekiel Hammond the third. Your daddy was a lawyer, left you this firm. You grew up in a neighborhood Kendra and me wouldn’t have been welcome in. Went to private school, then Yale. You had all the connections to make your life easy.”